Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Too long since last post. 19 weeks. :)

Well, it has been a long time since my last post. Isaiah is growing and growing - as is my belly. Most days I feel great now, though I have to admit the weight gain has been hard - and I never wanted to be one of those women who worried about that. But having my wardrobe not fit and my thighs look huge has been harder than I imagined. I am eating well, and not too much, minus the occasional brownie :). I haven't exercised as much as I should, but working full time and pregnant seems like exercise! I have managed to walk the dogs almost everyday - so that is something.

Currently I have a sinus infection and have had serious sciatic nerve pain for the past few days. Today I had my 1st pre-natal massage and Isaiah seemed to really enjoy it - at least it got him moving a lot. I can defiantly feel him moving now - more and more everyday. It is THE best feeling I have ever had. At first it felt like I was being poked and now it feels - well - like a baby swimming in my belly!

I cannot believe I have the perfect little man growing in my there. I am 19 weeks now and we had a 3D u/s 2 weeks ago which confirmed he was a boy. He moved a lot during the u/s, and he rubbed his eyes, covered his ears and rubbed his little feet together - I have NEVER seen anything more amazing. I could have watched all day - but again Henry says he needs his privacy.

Henry is SO excited about Zay - and it makes me love him more than I ever have. I am so happy that I chose such a good daddy for him. We talk about Zay all the time and Hen literally giggles - it is so cute. I cannot imagine either of us loving anything more. How blessed we are. We have our next u/s in 2 weeks and it will be a full anatomy. For now - he is perfect and we feel blessed.

My mom bought Zay his whole bedroom suit - thanks GJ! - and Henry plans on putting it together over Christmas so we can get his room ready. I am so excited for mom to come and for us to play in his room, decorating and getting it prepared for the little man. My shower is just a few weeks away and I can't wait to see my family's reaction to my ever growing belly and all of Zay's kickboxing skills. Enough for now - I will try to keep up better in the future. :)

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