Monday, August 10, 2009

Things to remeber on the down and worried days ...

So hormones + ttc for 2 years + wanting a baby so much = WORRY! Worried that the baby is ok, that the pregnancy is "sticking" that eveything will go smootly.

So, here is the best advice I have discovered &/or things to remember:
1) the chance of miscarriage is between 15-20% which mean the chance this baby will be ok is 80-85% - that is REALLY high odds. think about it, 4 out of 5 will be ok!
2) if you havn't had signs of a problem, there probably isn't a problem. No bleeding, no severe cramping probably = ok baby!
3) at this stage if there is a problem there is nothing you could have done or can do about it, but if you stress and worry too much you could create a problem - so the best thing to do is send this baby love and positive energy.

These are just some things I have picked up this week in my worry. It is hard to stay positive, but I am trying. :)

1 comment:

  1. I have had so many positive responses from my pregnancy community friends fromt his post. So I want to give credit that the thoughts referenced have come from my husband (#3), my mom (#2) and me (#1). :)
